As a retired Army Chaplain, I have a concern about the repeal of DATD. Will chaplains who believe that same-sex attraction is not God’s design be demonized? Will they receive negative Officer Evaluation Reports and/or official letters of reprimand? Will they be forced out of the military?
Many chaplains believe that gambling, drinking alcohol, pornography, smoking, and premarital sex are sin, and that we're ALL sinners...and for the most part they have been protected for holding such beliefs. Chaplains welcome everyone at their chapel services, but that doesn’t mean they accept and affirm everyone’s behavior. Chaplains welcome adulterers, alcoholics, gamblers, fornicators, people who swear, and even pacifists. I was going to add over-eaters, but the military doesn’t accept fat people. Maybe some day they will. Some overweight people are convinced they have a “fat gene” and should have an equal right to serve in the military, along with people with physical handicaps.
Hatred or persecution of any group is sin. Yet to love all people does not mean one must accept all they do. In the repeal of DADT, service members will have to agree to disagree. Tolerance is not indifference or acceptance. We are not tolerant of something unless we object to it. True tolerance is valuing the right of another person to hold beliefs that we believe to be wrong. Let's hope this will become a non-issue. Let's hope that tolerance will be a two-way street.
With Our Eyes on God
14 hours ago
In 1918 when my grandfather fought in France during WW1, no Jews were allowed in combat with him, because everyone knew that they couldn't be counted on, were unable to carry their own weight, and of course they would disrupt unit cohesiveness.
In 1942 when my father landed on the beach at Guartercanal during
WW2, no blacks were allowed to fight in combat, because evryone knew that they couldn't be counted on, were unable to carry their own weight and they would disrupt unit cohesion.
In 1968 when I jumped out of a helicopter and landed on the jungle floor of the Mekong Delta, no women were allowed in combat with me because as everyone knew they could not be counted on, and just look at 'em, there is no way they could carry their wieght, and besides, they would surely be a disruption to unit cohesion.
In 2005 when my son went to the Iraq desert as an artillery captain, he fought along side of people of all religions, all races and both genders...and he was a member of the best trained, best equiped, best paid, most educated, most motivated, most feared, and without a doubt, the most cohesive fighting force ever assembled in human history.
When those of us who are here in the comfort and safety of our homes see any American who is willing to serve honorably in our armed forces they should extend their hand in gratitude as (even if that person is different than you) they definitely face the distinct possibility of making the ultimate sacrifice...for you!
foxhole faith-forever
May God extend an extra blessing to ALL who gave their life for another.
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