At my favorite blog, the Gospel Coalition, was posted several lists of favorite books read over the past year. I maintain a book log of all the books I've read every year, and here's my favorites from 2010:
• Decision Making and the Will of God – Garry Friesen, J. Robin Maxson (a paradigm-shift from the traditional view, and the best book of the year, but not a new did it take me so long to find it?)
• America’s Prophet, Moses and the American Story – Bruce Feiler (tells how the Exodus narrative is American's story)
• After You Believe – N.T. Wright (substantive advice for the journey)
• Bonhoeffer-Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy – Eric Metaxas (inspiring new biography)
• Paradise General – Dr. David Hnida (life in a Combat Support Hospital in Iraq)
• Christianity’s Dangerous Idea – Alister McGrath (a historical look at how the "priesthood of the believer" has formed Protestants)
• Confessions – St. Augustine (I try to include some "classics" in my reading, and this was well worth my time)
I have a stack of books on my shelf in my "to-read" pile, and I'm eager to get to them. Happy New Year everyone!
With Our Eyes on God
14 hours ago
I'm sometimes amazed at my thirst for learning as my own "to read" pile is getting "out of control"
Anyone who has seen a courtroom depiction on t.v. or in the movies is familiar with the phrase, "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
Of course the most formidable book of all, is often represented the same way.
As a Dr. of Theology, you stood before one of your Bible study groups last fall and proclaimed that, "I am learning something new about God's truth all the time!"
I assume most theological librarys have countless volumes of commentary on just one book, countless authors with differing interpetations and countless efforts of people who devoted their entire life to learning the "whole truth."
My reading question to you is, how does an inexperienced Christian satisfy his want to learn the "truth, the WHOLE truth and nothing but the truth," and my second question is, do you think that when I die and go to heaven, (oh, Most Gracious God, please) will I suddenly learn the whole truth or instead spend an eternity learning something new all the time (not a bad way to spend eternity, but what do I know.
Your thoughts, please.
foxhole-faith forever
A great way to get a doctrinal overview is a one-volume summary. Two books come to mind:
Essential Truths of the Christian Faith by RC Sproul, and Bible Doctrine by Wayne Grudem. Also get on CBD's mailing list or go to
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