Sunday, August 22, 2010

Managing Quotations

When I was a new Christian I began recording catchy quotes in the back of my Bible. After awhile I needed more pages and bought a journal. After awhile, my journal became cumbersome since these quotations weren't in any order. Eventually I put them in a MS-Word document, alphabetized by topic. Now when I hear or read a quote worth saving, it goes into the "quotations" document. Whenever I finish reading a book, I review what I've underlined and usually a few end up in my collection. I've been doing this for many years, and I'm getting close to 200 pages (if you'd like a copy, send me an email). When I prepare a sermon, I find this a helpful and quick way to find good quotes. This is something I'd recommend to anyone, an organized way to retain thoughts worth saving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not a teacher and I certainly am not a preacher, I am merely an "inexperienced Christian" who would jump at the chance to read and absorb the random thoughts compiled by a Dr. of Theology. I am already on your e-sermon list and eagerly anticipate them and I thankfully accept your gracious offer to send me a copy of your quote collection defined by "topic". please send a copy to: