Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I had the privilege of attending a pastors' roundtable at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary today, to discuss The Surprising Work of God with the author, Dr. Garth M. Rosell of the faculty. This excellent book describes the evangelical movement in America focusing on Billy Graham and Harold Ockenga. During our discussion, Dr Rosell shared the following...

Genuine renewal/revival depends on:
  1. Repentance--that starts with me.
  2. Faithful teaching/preaching and obedience to the Scriptures.
  3. United, believing prayer

In his book, Dr Rosell states (p. 13) that unity among believers comes from a shared theological focus (the Cross), a shared authority (the Bible), a shared experience (conversion), a shared mission (worldwide evangelism) and a shared vision (the spiritual renewal of church & society).

May our sovereign Lord bring about revival!

1 comment:

Eddie Eddings said...

Here is one of my favorite books. I think you would benefit from it as well. It's entitled, "10 Great Ideas from Church History: A Decision-Maker's Guide to Shaping Your Church" by Mark Shaw. Check it out at - you'll be glad you did. By the way, Mark Shaw has written another that was impossible to put is called, "Doing Theology with Huck and Jim: Parables for Understanding Doctrine". Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1993